Memoirs, Or Shadows Of What Has Been
By Peter Landry

Chapter Fifteen, Fredericton II, 1965
Pictures in Support (Fredericton, 1965 II)

Dana, 1965
Dana, 1965
Lisa, 1965
Lisa, 1965
Pick-A-Boo: Dana, 1965
Pick-A-Boo: Dana, 1965
Dana, 1965
Dana, 1965
Time To Go To Bed -- NO, NO, 1965
Time To Go To Bed -- NO, NO, 1965
Now, Let Us All Brush Our Teeth, 1965
Now, Let Us All Brush Our Teeth, 1965
Kara & Jack-In-The-Box, 1965
Kara & Jack-In-The-Box, 1965
The Three, 1965
The Three, 1965
Kara & Jack-In-The-Box, 1965
Lisa & Kara: Maple Syrup Time, 1965
In Goes The Garden, 1965
In Goes The Garden. That's the Saint John In The Background
Dana In The Clover, 1965
Dana In The Clover, 1965
Kara With Her Bouquet Of Dandelions, 1965
Kara With Her Bouquet Of Dandelions, 1965
Dana in The Pink, 1965
Dana in The Pink, 1965

Lisa, 1965 (My Mother's Afghan In Background)
Dana & Her Mom, 1965
Dana & Her Mom, 1965
Kara & Dana, Douglas, 1965

[Pictures, Fredericton, 1965 I]
[Pictures, Fredericton, 1965 III]
[Pictures, Summer, 1965]
[Pictures, Christmas, 1965]

BACK TO: [Chapter Sixteen, Fredericton II, 1965]


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2011 (2019)

Peter Landry